Auto disbursement UI

February 14, 2024
Channel Fund Management

Users with the Disbursement-View permission can now view automatic disbursement details and credit memos in the Disbursements screen. Note: This is not a change to the current process. 

Here’s what you can expect from the new feature: 

  • All auto disbursements display under the Completed tab in the Disbursement module. 
  • Disbursement files and credit memo files can be downloaded from the UI by expanding any disbursement ID. 
  • As the auto disbursement scheduler runs every day, each auto disbursement created will be listed on the UI with its unique ID (example: DISB-xxxx). 
  • Credit memos downloaded from the UI will always have the default system-designed format. 


For clients with customized credit memos: 

  • The current credit memo file format and processing are unchanged. 
  • Credit memos can also be downloaded from the UI, but these files will have the default format without any customizations. 


For clients who have an auto disbursement/credit memo schedule that runs across different periods of time: 

  • The process remains unchanged. 
  • Additionally, the credit memo files can also be downloaded from the UI. The expected credit memos can be downloaded from the UI on the scheduled day, as it is currently set up. 
  • For the rest of the days, the credit memos downloadable from the UI will have claims from that day’s disbursement only. 


For overdraft claims: 

  • A disbursement will be in the Approved status when some/all of its associated claims are in Pending Payment status. 
  • A disbursement will be in the Completed status when all of its associated claims are in Paid status, aka all claims have been fully paid out. 

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