The Channel Partner Marketing Tactics That Drive Revenue

Gina Ghamo | August 27, 2024

In football, there are countless plays that could be made.

But that doesn’t mean the players always know which would be the most strategic to run.

That’s why the coach gets involved to ensure the best possible outcome.

(Because they’re the ones with the data!)

It’s the same with your channel partner marketing.

You need to guide your local affiliates to the channels that will drive the most revenue.

Otherwise, they may pursue tactics that result in a marketing (and revenue) loss.

So, which marketing channels should you incentivize in your partner program?

We consulted the data to reveal the 5 channel partner marketing tactics that lead to the best marketing outcomes.

Keep reading to learn more, or dive into the full report to get all 5.

1. Purchased leads

So, what’s the best marketing play according to the data?

Your highest-performing affiliates (aka, partners who experience 10%+ revenue growth) are in agreement: Purchased leads are the way to go.

Purchased leads usage by partner revenue growth bar graphWith 71% of top performers using purchased leads in their marketing strategies, this tactic shows promise as a great source of revenue.

Purchasing leads rather than generating them organically allows affiliates to up their number of prospects more rapidly, increasing their potential for conversions.

Though most of your highest-performing affiliates use purchased leads, usage is much lower for partners who see between 0% and 9% revenue growth (aka, the vast majority of your partners). But never fear — that means these affiliates have great potential to boost their results. That’s why you need to emphasize this tactic across your channel partner marketing program.

However, it’s worth noting that the most important part comes after your partners acquire their leads. These prospects don’t make a difference unless they convert into customers. Try offering training and resources that help your partners build an effective lead-nurturing strategy to bring prospects to the finish line.

2. Referral programs

Which would you trust more: an ad on the internet or a friend’s opinion?

It’s not even close — you would choose your friend.

Like you, consumers trust the people they know more than they trust brands. That’s why referral programs are such a powerful marketing tool.

Referral program usage by partner revenue growthThough over half of all affiliates across all revenue growth categories use referral programs in their marketing, this channel is relied on most by partners in the top category at 69%.

If your partners incentivize customers to recommend your products and services to their friends, family, and coworkers, they’ll see more conversions. Referrals help boost consumer trust and, more importantly, sales.

The best way to motivate consumers to refer others is to gamify your referral program. Consider this when adding this channel to your local marketing program.

Get the other 3 channel partner marketing tactics you need to win

Now, you know the 2 biggest revenue-boosting channels to add to your partner marketing program.

But your partners are going to need more tactics to really move the needle.

Learn the other 3 channels you should add to your partner program to drive results (and see the 2 tactics that are better together).

Read the full 2024 State of Local Marketing report to get all the insights.

And be sure to subscribe to The State of Local Marketing newsletter to be the first to get in on new data every month.

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