How Creative Ads Influence Search Results for Brands

BrandMuscle | January 20, 2020
Creative advertisements have the ability to impact media coverage, influence change, and ignite new conversations. Remember Gillette’s powerful and controversial “The Best a Man Can Be” ad last year? With the upcoming Superbowl, we’re sure to see more impactful advertisements.But what impact does powerful creative like this have on a brand and its search volume? Our Executive Vice President of Product Marketing, Jason Tabeling, wanted to discover the answer to that. Tabeling looked at trends for different search terms, forecasted metrics, and the effect they had on sales.

He also outlined three considerations for brands and local partners with budgets not comparable to those like Gillette and Nike, and how they can take advantage of these learnings.

Focus on Quality

“It doesn’t have to be a branded controversial TV ad, it just needs to be good,” Tabeling said. Whether it’s a YouTube channel or a Facebook campaign, focus on quality over quantity. Local advertising shouldn’t appear cheap or poorly made.

Fill a Consumer’s Need With Value

What is the value that your advertisements drive for customers? How can your local television advertising answer your customers’ questions? “Focus on the value your product is bringing and the corresponding ad space where that value is to be transacted,” Tabeling said. “Provide value by removing friction.”

Monitor Attribution

Watch how customers move between tactics to see if your local advertising is impacting your local search results. “Doing your best to understand the measurement and interconnectivity of your advertising will help justify these types of branded ads,” Tabeling said.

“Overall, it doesn’t really matter if you liked or didn’t like the Gillette ad. Fact is: It worked. It got people talking, it drove up search traffic, and even if it has half of the impact that a similar ad had for Nike, the sales will follow,” Tabeling said. “So as much as we in search rely on consumers searching, remember there is still a lot of value in branded advertising big and small across mediums.”

Learn How to Get Creative With Your Ads

For more insights on how creativity impacts search engine results, and how local partners can capitalize on the trend, check out Tabeling’s full article in Search Engine Watch or contact us to learn how BrandMuscle can optimize your brand’s search.

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